Friday, July 13, 2012

Abortion Ultrasounds

Abortion continues to be a constant debate between those who are pro-life and pro-choice. In the mid-1990s, certain states began to issue policies and laws that made sure women receive information on accessing an ultrasound. Many pro-life Americans are trying to stop women from having abortions. The law and policies on the use of the ultrasound are to make sure that women are fully aware of the consequences on having an abortion. Whether the women have an ultrasound or gather information on the ultrasound and the abortion, all depend on what state they live in. Different states have different policies on the use of the ultrasound, such as whether the woman must view the ultrasound or not. Many pro-life Americans, hope the ultrasound will change the mind of those who want to have an abortion. 

The main issue here is, should the government get involved with abortion rights? Abortion is a terrible thing, and the ultrasound law is a good idea. It's not harming anybody. The only downfall for women, who get an ultrasound, is the cost. Whether the women decide to proceed with abortion after the ultrasound is up to them, they still have the right to do what ever they want with their bodies. With the ultrasound, it could provide a change of heart. 

There are many risks women face when proceeding to have an abortion, such as an increase of breast cancer, pelvic inflammatory disease, and infertility. Information on abortion provided for women and the use of an ultrasound should hopefully stop them from having an abortion. Everyday, approximately 3,700 abortions take place in just the U.S. There are around 1.37 million abortions by the end of the year. If we continue to place policies and laws in the many other states, we can hopefully bring those numbers down. In the end, women still have a say on what to do with their bodies. As pro-life Americans, it is better to know we could make a change in another persons decision to not have an abortion. 


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