Friday, June 29, 2012

Have you paid your dollar for free abortions today?

Barack Obama promised us that no federal money would go to fund abortions, but that's not the case here. In the editorial it talks about the Obamacare legislation now are having "people who enroll in a healthcare exchange plan will be required to pay a $1 ‘abortion surcharge’ every month on their plans." What’s wrong is how Obamacare guidelines were being added after the legislation was signed. Kathleen Sebelius, the Human Services secretary created the guidelines that were recently added. I think what's upsetting is the fact is that she is an unelected official. Should she really have the control to put out all of the guidelines? 

In the editorial the author doesn't exactly state his view on abortion. I'm guessing since the blog was posted on the Free Republic website, the author would be more conservative. Conservatives tend to be more pro-life, so I think the author could’ve been pro-life as well. I think that the author overall just seemed disappointed at how the guidelines were added. I agree that what Kathleen Sebelius did wasn't very fair or right. I believe what the author wanted to point out, is that Obama didn't follow through with his promise. When Joe Wilson yelled out "you lie" at Obama's State of the Union Address, Obama made his promise. The author then states “The answer to that question is quite obvious now." This shows the author believes Obama lied as he made that promise.

What attracted me to this blog was that it had to do with abortion. This past January, I went to the pro-life rally in Austin. Many mothers were there that had abortions and they regretted their decision. I think the many young women that had or going to have an abortion will regret their choice later on in life. Abortion is just a very sad and awful choice. I know there are many out there who are pro-abortion, but one thing is Obama broke his promise. Now the people who use the healthcare plan are considered to be abortionists. Abortion has been an on-going issue in politics, there are many strong views towards it. It will remain to be a continuing issue in politics.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Obama's new immigration change

The editorial I found in the New York Times, “A Step Toward a Dream” discusses Obama’s recent decision on immigration. Obama decided to hold back the deportation of young immigrants. Now immigrants are temporary allowed to work legally under certain circumstances. It seems obvious the author is in favor of the new decision, as he defends immigrants writing, “It wisely rescues blameless young people from legal limbo.” Although the author believes that Obama’s plan has nothing to do with a path to citizenship.
In the editorial, the author mentioned the Dream Act which has been delayed in Congress. The Act is used to, “give legal status to young immigrants who go to college or serve in the military.” It also mentions Florida’s Senator Rubio has plans for his version of the Dream Act. The author suggests that Rubio and Obama could come together to, “push Congress to make the Dream Act come true.” I think that would be great if this could help establish the Dream Act. 
The author believes Obama’s decision was led by, “young Dream Act advocates.” It doesn’t imply that he also did it for votes in the coming re-election. I believe Obama pursued the plan to get more votes from Latinos for the election.
It seems that the author doesn’t really have anything negative or opposing to say about the new change. It just shows its consent towards the change. It could have possibly gave cons about the decision. 
For the most part I agree with what the editorial said. Instead of deporting every immigrant, this can help who deserves to be here. For those who qualify can now get a higher education and have careers. This will put those with criminal records back to where they came from.Overall I approve with how this new change will help immigrants in America. I think this will also help Congress be able to establish an immigration law. I know many people don't like that there are many immigrants here, but it's what makes America, America. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Surveillance Law Blocked

I have been reading many articles trying to decide which one I would choose. Most of the articles didn't appeal to me until I came across, "Senator wants scrutiny of surveillance law." The article reads that this past Monday, Sen. Ron Wyden blocked a five-year extension of the surveillance law. The surveillance law was used for the government to monitor foreigner's communication with American's, through review of e-mails and phone calls.  This was originally intended for the government to watch out for suspicious activity. Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon found out the count of how many people were being monitored, "not reasonably possible to identify the number of people located in the United States whose communications may have been reviewed." Wyden believes the government should be stopped from monitoring calls and e-mails, unless they have a warrant or emergency authorization. 

The reason I found this particular article appealing, was the fact that I have relatives out of states that I communicate with. It would be weird to think that the government could possibly be hearing in on my phone calls or reading my e-mails. I don't completely agree with this law. I like the fact that they have more awareness on the suspicious activity that could occur. On the other hand, there are many American's that have had their privacy invaded. Watch out the government could be monitoring your calls or e-mails. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

My Intake on Government and Politics

Politics is relatively new to me, as I’m taking this course. I’m still in high school, and I am not of age to vote. This is my first encounter of now learning, listening, and getting involved in the government and politics. One of the main reasons I’m taking this course is to fulfill my high school requirement. The other, I want to have a clear understanding of how the government works. When I will be able to vote, I want to be well educated on whom I should vote for.

I have always listened to my parent’s political views, and agreed on what they shared with me. I want to be able to learn about other people’s views and figure out what it is that I believe in. I want to get involved in the community and make a difference. 

I took the civics quiz, and scored  54.55%. According to the website, that is above average. I really wasn't expecting me to do as good as I thought I would. I do enjoy learning about U.S history and eager to learn more. I am ready to learn all this course has to offer.