Thursday, June 21, 2012

Obama's new immigration change

The editorial I found in the New York Times, “A Step Toward a Dream” discusses Obama’s recent decision on immigration. Obama decided to hold back the deportation of young immigrants. Now immigrants are temporary allowed to work legally under certain circumstances. It seems obvious the author is in favor of the new decision, as he defends immigrants writing, “It wisely rescues blameless young people from legal limbo.” Although the author believes that Obama’s plan has nothing to do with a path to citizenship.
In the editorial, the author mentioned the Dream Act which has been delayed in Congress. The Act is used to, “give legal status to young immigrants who go to college or serve in the military.” It also mentions Florida’s Senator Rubio has plans for his version of the Dream Act. The author suggests that Rubio and Obama could come together to, “push Congress to make the Dream Act come true.” I think that would be great if this could help establish the Dream Act. 
The author believes Obama’s decision was led by, “young Dream Act advocates.” It doesn’t imply that he also did it for votes in the coming re-election. I believe Obama pursued the plan to get more votes from Latinos for the election.
It seems that the author doesn’t really have anything negative or opposing to say about the new change. It just shows its consent towards the change. It could have possibly gave cons about the decision. 
For the most part I agree with what the editorial said. Instead of deporting every immigrant, this can help who deserves to be here. For those who qualify can now get a higher education and have careers. This will put those with criminal records back to where they came from.Overall I approve with how this new change will help immigrants in America. I think this will also help Congress be able to establish an immigration law. I know many people don't like that there are many immigrants here, but it's what makes America, America. 

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